Today’s collaborative work environment requires leaders who can coach instead of command. Here are five trends that will continue to shape the future of leadership as coaching. Leaders who are able to mentor their team members and help them develop their careers are becoming more and more critical in the modern workplace. As the role of leader shifts away from an authoritarian style, where tasks and rules are given by a manager without input or discussion, towards one that involves empowering team members and guiding them towards success, this change requires that leaders have new skills. Instead of telling people what to do or delegating tasks, today’s leader must be able to ask questions and offer guidance so team members can grow into their roles. This type of transformative leadership isn’t easy for everyone – it takes specific skills to be able to see other people for who they could be rather than for who they currently are, as well as having the insight and ability to give feedback constructively so other people listen rather than feeling attacked.
Coaching is more effective than traditional leadership
There’s been a debate for a long time about which type of leadership style is more effective, coaching or command-and-control. As more and more companies look towards coaching as the way of the future, it’s become clear that it is more effective at improving employee satisfaction than the traditional style of leadership. But why is there this debate? What makes coaching so much more effective than a style that has been the norm for so long?
Diversity and inclusion will drive the coaching culture
As organizations realize that the way they’ve been managing and promoting staff must change to keep up with the demand for a more inclusive workplace, they’re increasingly turning to coaching as a way of helping people excel. A focus on diversity and inclusion means being cognizant of the differences in people and how those can lead to conflict or discomfort in the workplace. When everyone is given a chance to excel, however, all team members can benefit. With coaching as the basis for all interactions, individuals who may feel left out can learn, grow, and succeed.
Millennials will push for a coaching culture
Millennials are the largest generation in the workforce, and with their skill sets, knowledge, and expectations for work and life, they’re shaking up the workplace in many different ways. Rather than resenting their expectations, many companies are embracing their need for a coaching culture in order to retain and promote the best team members. When someone has a specific skill set, they want to be able to use it to the fullest, and they want to be recognized for their successes. If they’re not given the space to grow and to succeed, they’ll quickly become frustrated and leave. With coaching, however, companies can help their staff to excel so they stay motivated and productive.
A better work-life balance means less burnout
Burnout has been a serious issue in the modern workplace, with many people experiencing severe mental and emotional exhaustion through the demands of their jobs. With the push toward coaching culture, however, organizations are looking to change the way they do business in order to offer their employees a better work-life balance. With more flexible hours and the ability to work from almost anywhere, workers can now create schedules that enable them to have time for their families and other activities outside of work. This alone can help to reduce the feeling of being perpetually exhausted. Additionally, with coaching, organizations can help their staff to be more successful and productive, which can help to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.
Companies will see the value of coaching and change
As companies continue to hear about this trend toward coaching, many have begun to change the way they approach leadership. Rather than being a one-off transition, however, this trend toward coaching is likely to continue, and organizations that have not yet begun to make the change toward coaching will undoubtedly do so in the coming years. As technology continues to evolve, the way we work is likely to change, too. When virtual assistants and AI are more common, managers will have to shift their focus away from tasks and toward helping their team members excel. With the right tools, coaching can be done remotely, making it an even more attractive option for businesses.
In order for businesses to thrive, they must be able to attract the best talent. While money and benefits are important factors, so, too, is how employees are treated. In order to retain the best team members, organizations must offer a collaborative work environment with leadership that is focused on coaching. As the future of work evolves, leaders will have to change their approach and learn how to coach their team members. For organizations to remain competitive, this change is likely to happen sooner rather than later.
Are you thinking about implementing coaching into your leadership? Get in touch.
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